- ۰۲/۱۱/۲۶
- ۰ نظر
برای ترجمه فهم فرهنگ تاریخ رسوم اون کشور مهمه
اول کل متن رو بخون یک کلیتی دستت بیاد بعد ترجمه کن.
حواست به کلماتی که چند معنی دارند باشه.
Dont pound up the stairs.
he is well grounded in law.
it is his ground of his argument.
My heart pounded with fear.
He pounded with his feast on the table.
she came out of her shell.
I will stand you a dinner.
a news paper stand.
a speakeres stand.
How can you stand him?
This is a good set of radio.
You should not speak ill of him.
He began to pound his opponent.
- ۰۲/۱۱/۲۶